Discover tailored mental health services for college students to beat test anxiety, depression and ADHD. Get support to thrive academically and emotionally. Find help now.
What does our College Behavioral Health Team Treat?
Depression & Loneliness and being away from Home
LGTBQIA+ Support
Academic Stressors
Relationship Stressors
ADHD and Time Management
Test Anxiety
Treatment Options for college students facing mental health challenges.
Virtual telehealth appointments & In-person appointments at our closest clinic
Our Approach is Remarkable
Designed for College Students
Tailored program that delivers care to College students from a diverse background at times that work best for them.
Convenient and Accessible
We offer appointments in person and virtually that fit within YOUR classes, work, and fun.
State of the Art Approach
Our diverse group of providers use evidenced based practices with proven technologies that enhances our patients lives, while helping College Students to achieve their goals.
Find a Counselor/Therapist
Find an ABM provider near you and schedule an appointment today!