What is Bipolar Disorder?
Bipolar disorder is a mental illness characterized by extreme swings in mood and energy levels, with a reduced ability to think clearly. Many fail to realize that bipolar disorder is a spectrum illness where symptoms may range from mild to moderate to severe. People who suffer from this illness experience periods of mania, which is when their energy is excessively high, and depression, where energy and mood plummet. These periods can have negative impacts on quality of life.
Numerous studies have shown, however, that early interventions can lead to positive patient outcomes. Early-stage bipolar disorder can often be misdiagnosed or go under-reported because its symptoms may mirror other mental illnesses. It is not uncommon to see family members, friends, or even colleagues reach out to Apogee Behavioral Medicine due to their concerns.
Signs & Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder
It is important to keep in mind that the symptoms of bipolar disorder fall on a spectrum and proper diagnosis along with early intervention is critical. Often, an individual suffering may think it is solely depression or that they are doing well when they are in a manic state, and it is loved ones or friends who notice. Signs and symptoms of bipolar disease will vary in severity and duration, and sometimes a sufferer can go years without an episode of depression or mania. However, a person can also experience them in rapid succession and frequency. Bipolar disorder is unpredictable in its appearance. Symptoms also include difficulty concentrating, racing thoughts, insomnia, anorexia, appetite or weight changes, feeling invincible, trouble making decisions, feelings of guilt, irritability, and more.
We all experience highs and lows in life, but a person suffering from bipolar disorder experiences these emotions in a severely heightened state. When an individual is experiencing mania, they can be in such an elevated mood that their behavior often becomes unpredictable. They may behave impulsively and take unusual risks. If undiagnosed, it might come as a relief following the period of depression, which generally precedes mania.
When an individual is suffering from depression, they may find it difficult to leave bed, or they have difficulty falling or staying asleep. They may be overwhelmed making decisions, and their thoughts can be consumed with loss, personal failure, helplessness, or even suicide. A depressive state can last from weeks to months.
How is Bipolar Disorder Diagnosed?
Whereas women typically present with bipolar in their mid-twenties, and men in their midthirties, these periods coincide with many significant life stressors from jobs to relationships. Early detection can prevent a decade of struggles. Since the age of onset of bipolar is later, and symptoms can be masked, diagnosing bipolar can be more complicated than other mental illnesses. Often, we treat them on the recommendation of friends and family.
If you or someone you love thinks they may have bipolar disorder, a doctor may conduct a physical exam, a psychological assessment, and order lab tests. Apogee Behavioral Medicine believes that medical conditions should be ruled out at the onset of all of our treatment plans. It is important to remember in diagnosing mental illnesses that often there can be other moodaltering factors relating to health at play, including hyperthyroidism or vitamin deficiencies.
Bipolar Disorder Therapies: Who is it for?
Today, we have many medical interventions to treat bipolar disorder, as well as lifestyle modifications that can help manage its symptoms. It helps to detect bipolar as early as possible and to have the support of family and friends when seeking treatment.

From mood stabilizers and antidepressants to lifestyle modifications like food and exercise routines, we deliver holistic treatment plans that can treat brain chemistry malfunction alongside teaching new habits to help live a fuller life with bipolar.
Determining the proper treatment plan for someone diagnosed with bipolar disorder depends on the stage of the mental illness and how severe the symptoms are. Our staff may proceed with a treatment plan that includes therapy, medications, and lifestyle changes depending on the stage we receive a patient. Cognitive behavioral therapy is one mode in which an individual can identify patterns of thought that signal a depressive or manic episode.
Support Groups
At Apogee Behavioral Medicine, we do not facilitate support groups, but there are numerous support groups in our areas of service that can be excellent resources for families and individuals who suffer from bipolar disorder. Education and community are increasingly important for those seeking support during periods of depression and mania. Support groups can help normalize living with the disorder and have positive impacts on those diagnosed.
Lifestyle Changes
Families, friends, and those who are diagnosed may be surprised to learn that there are effective non-medical interventions that can help manage symptoms of depressive and manic episodes. Some of the most significant lifestyle changes that can help manage bipolar disorder are regulated sleep patterns, diet, and keeping a schedule. Education and awareness are essential to those diagnosed with bipolar disorder.
Why Choose Us
Apogee Behavioral Medicine treats patients in a holistic way and really listens to their desired treatment plan. We are deeply committed to personalized care and place a premium on education and awareness as the foundations for all of our interventions. Our staff is available for same-day appointments, which means that you or your loved one, will not have to suffer days or months for help. Our compassionate and professional care has earned us an excellent reputation in the Southeast.

Our team of experienced therapists and psychiatrists
Families, friends, and those who are diagnosed may be surprised to learn that there are effective non-medical interventions that can help manage symptoms of depressive and manic episodes. Some of the most significant lifestyle changes that can help manage bipolar disorder are regulated sleep patterns, diet, and keeping a schedule. Education and awareness are essential to those diagnosed with bipolar disorder.
Our personalized treatment approach
We are not just dispensing medication to regulate moods that accompany bipolar episodes, we are here on this journey to educate you and facilitate a holistic treatment plan. With early intervention and proper treatment and monitoring, you can live a full, happy, and productive life with bipolar disorder.
Our commitment to providing quality care
Apogee Behavioral Medicine is committed to providing quality care from diagnosis to treatment of bipolar disorder. We are fully licensed and have decades of experience treating mental illness.
FAQs about Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar disorder can be genetic and also environmental. According to the American Psychiatric Association, 80 to 90 percent of individuals with bipolar disorder have a relative with bipolar disorder or depression. The contributing environmental factors include stress, sleep disruption, and drugs and alcohol that can trigger depressive or manic episodes in vulnerable people. It is important to note that just because you have bipolar that runs in your family, it is not a sentence to a life of pronounced ups and downs. This is a very manageable condition with early intervention.
As individuals spend more time in manic and depressive states when they are not diagnosed and treated properly, there is evidence that episodes can be more frequent and cognitive issues result with age. This is why we stress the importance of early intervention. We see really remarkable progress with patients who become educated and follow a treatment plan for their specific bipolar symptoms.
Medical doctors most frequently treat bipolar disorder. At Apogee Behavioral Medicine, we run a full medical workup as part of our diagnosis to rule out other medical conditions, like thyroid conditions, in addition to a psychological evaluation. There are many drugs that can treat symptoms in both manic and depressive episodes and the proper administration and dosage must be determined by a psychiatrist. In many cases, our patients have a psychiatrist and also a psychologist who treats bipolar disorder with cognitive therapy and medical interventions.
Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder and borderline personality disorder is a personality disorder. Those who suffer from bipolar disorder experience changing moods of mania and depression that can last for weeks or months, whereas borderline personality disorder may experience short periods of intense emotional pain, desperation, and anger, that may last only a few hours at a time.
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